Which Is The Best Tea For High Blood Pressure And Which Tea Is Good For Low BP

Best Tea For High Blood Pressure: Talking about our country only, there are hundreds of types of tea. And if we include the world, then it may become difficult to count the types of tea. But for us Indians in daily life there are only two forms of tea. One tea with milk and one tea without milk. In the milk tea, we keep changing the flavor by adding herbs like green cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, basil leaves, cloves. The rest of the tea which is made without milk, includes black-tea to herbal-tea of ​​all ages.

Does drinking tea cure BP?

Drinking the right tea is definitely beneficial in maintaining blood pressure. Right tea means that before choosing tea, it is necessary to see whether you have high blood pressure problem or BP problem. Because different types of tea are beneficial in both the blood pressure. While drinking the wrong tea at the wrong time can also make the situation more serious. When should you drink which tea, know here.

Which tea should be drunk in high BP?

If blood pressure remains high, then you should drink tea without milk because drinking tea with milk, which is used in almost every Indian household, can increase BP. In high BP, you only drink herbal-tea. like…

  • hibiscus flower tea
  • Green tea, cumin tea
  • Cumin-coriander and fennel (CCF Tea) tea
  • Tea made from fennel and green cardamom.

This is because herbal tea prepared from black tea and other herbs contains high amounts of antioxidants. They help in controlling high BP and cholesterol levels. Due to which the blood pressure itself starts decreasing. But when you add milk to tea, the activities of these antioxidants get hampered and blood pressure can remain high.

But it does not mean at all that if you have high blood pressure problem then you should stop drinking milk. Because when milk is mixed with tea leaves, sugar and other herbs, its properties change. Whereas when you drink only milk, it also gives benefits in high BP.

Which tea should be drunk in low BP?

If your blood pressure remains low then you should consume milk tea. Especially in winter season by adding basil leaves and ginger. While adding green cardamom and cloves in summer. If these things are not available with you, then you can make simple milk tea and drink it.

Drinking tea prepared with milk can lead to an increase in cholesterol and saturated fat, which leads to narrowing of the arteries and helps in increasing blood flow. In colloquial language, you can understand it in such a way that when the loose veins get tightened, the blood will automatically start flowing faster, which will help in solving the problem of low BP.

Different effects on everyone’s body

There are many things mentioned above related to tea and blood pressure, it fits most of the people. But it is not at all like this to happen with everyone. Because like medicines, things related to food and drink also have different effects on everyone’s body. It is not necessary that everyone’s body should give the same reaction to everything. That’s why you should choose the right tea considering your body.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: Your BP remains low… do not panic, use Himalayan salt with this method, this home remedy is very safe

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